Our Business Clients Manual contains useful information about your daily interaction with UBB Online functionalities.
Download the manual here.
Our Business Clients Manual contains useful information about your daily interaction with UBB Online functionalities.
Download the manual here.
How to register for the online banking service ?
Upon online registration you need to fill out your data in the registration form, after which a UBB employee will contact you for confirming your registration.
Due fees and commissions for the online banking service:
If you need additional information, you can call the Contact Center at telephone number 0700 117 17, *7171 for local dialing or at number +3592 483 1717 for international dialing.
Youngsters, Bulgarian citizens between 14 and 18 years of age, who have opened an account with UBB, could use online and mobile banking.
The following services are available:
In UBB Online:
In UBB Mobile:
How can online and mobile banking be activated?
The minor, together with his parent or guardian, must visit a branch of the bank and sign an online banking agreement.
Required documents:
Identity documents of the child and of the parent/guardian
Birth certificate of the child, respectively certificate of appointed guardian
Other documents at the discretion of the bank in certain cases.
A single username for logging in to UBB Online allows the user to have access to multiple profiles with one set of credentials. This means that you can log in to all your accounts with one username and password and an additional security tool selected. This saves time and effort by eliminating the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords for different accounts. It also significantly improves security by reducing the number of places where sensitive information is stored. After logging in, you will be able to switch between your different profiles from a drop-down list.
Software and Hardware tokens are means to generate unique codes through scanning a colour (Cronto) image, which is used for log-in authentication and confirmation of payments in online banking. They provide maximum security and fully comply with the regulatory requirements of the updated Payment Services Directive (PSD2).
The software token is a part of our mobile banking application - UBB Mobile - while the hardware token is a device, which you can obtain at any branch of the Bank.
Why should I use a software or hardware token?
Using a token provides:
How do I get a software or hardware token?
If you have chosen to use a software token, all you need to do is download and activate the mobile banking application - UBB Mobile - free from Google Play and AppStore. The activation is enabled via a user name, log-in password and an additional access code, which you will receive with an SMS message. Upon activation you have to select a manner of use - with a PIN code or a fingerprint.
You can obtain a hardware token at any office of the bank without making a request in advance, as a one-off fee is paid for its use, in accordance with UBB’s Fees and Commissions Tariff. The hardware token is activated through the online banking from the “Profile” menu with the “Activate Hardware Token” function, where you can also find detailed instructions. The use of the token is protected by a PIN code.
You should have internet browser Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome etc., as the access is performed with User ID, Login Password and a uniquely generated one-time code. One-time codes can either be sent as an SMS message or be generated by a hardware token, or by a software one, embedded in the mobile application UBB Mobile.
You will be able to use the online banking functionality through a browser from a mobile phone or tablet only if you have an activated hardware /software token.
You will be able to use the online banking functionality through a browser from a mobile phone or tablet only if you have an activated hardware /software token.
You have entered more than five times a wrong password for logging into UBB Online. To unlock the access, please, visit a branch of the Bank or call the Contact Center at telephone number 0700 117 17, *7171 for local dialing or at number +3592 483 1717 for international dialing.
Please observe the following instructions upon structuring the files:
For clients’ convenience UBB will accept payroll processing from any account in Bulgarian leva, as there will be one entry in the account movement, showing the total amount of the effected payroll transfers. Individual payments will be charged as per UBB’s Fees and Commissions’ Tariff for Business Clients (Fund Transfers section - „Mass Payroll Payments“).
In order to add a account to the payroll payment function you need to visit your servicing branch and fill in an Online Banking Data Amendment Card, in which you have to provide the account details and state the representatives, authorized to dispose of the funds in it. The Data Amendment Card an be filled in and submitted through the Digital Requests portal in UBB Online.
Payroll file format:
Payroll files will be:
1. Accepted without restrictions – 24 /7.
2. Processed by UBB only during business days for the bank by 16.30 h., as
You will be able to track the status of each separate payment via specially developed reports in the Payroll menu. Additional options are provided for review, searching and sorting of the ordered payments.
What does the „Instant (BLINK)“ fund transfer option mean?
Execution of a fund transfer via the Instant Payment (BLINK) mechanism, 24/7 with near-instant processing and crediting the beneficiary’s account within seconds.
Can I order an „Instant (BLINK)“ fund transfer for an amount exceeding BGN 30 000?
No, you cannot. For amounts exceeding BGN 30 000 you can use a standard fund transfer by switching off the „Instant (BLINK)“ option, or via RINGS upon fees as per the Bank’s Tariff.
What is the difference between fund transfers with and without a selected „Instant (BLINK)“ option?
Fund transfers without a selected „Instant (BLINK)“ option are being executed as standard fund transfers via the BISERA system, only on business days until 19:30h. Fund transfers with a selected „Instant (BLINK)“ option are being executed 24/7 with near-instant processing and crediting the beneficiary’s account within seconds.
What is the difference between an „Instant (BLINK)“ fund transfer and a RINGS fund transfer? An instant fund transfer can be ordered for amounts up to or equaling BGN 30 000 only to a bank, participating in the Instant Payments (BLINK) mechanism, 24/7, with near-instant processing and crediting the beneficiary’s account within seconds. The RINGS option is also admissible for amounts up to and exceeding BGN 30 000, it is mandatory for amounts exceeding BGN 100 000 and is being executed only on business days at a higher fee as per the Bank’s Tariff.
Can I order an „Instant (BLINK)“ fund transfer with a Future Execution Date (Future Value Date)? No.
Can I order an „Instant (BLINK)“ fund transfer with a switched off „Send“ option and send it later? Yes.
Who will receive a notification about an unsuccessful Instant (BLINK) Transfer of a business client? The company representative, who has created the payment order.
What should I do if I receive a notification about an unsuccessful Instant (BLINK) Fund Transfer?
Due to temporary unavailability of some participants in the Instant (BLINK) Payment Scheme, you need to order it as a regular fund transfer by unchecking the „Instant (BLINK) Fund Transfer“ option in the payment order.
Can I receive an Instant (BLINK) Fund Transfer to an account in foreign currency?
No, incoming Instant (BLINK) Fund Transfers are being accepted only if the beneficiary’s account is in Bulgarian leva.
Interbank fund transfers in Bulgarian leva (BGN)
RINGS - services interbank fund transfers in BGN, in real time within Bulgaria’s territory.
The cut-off time for acceptance of payments via RINGS with same-day value date is 03.00 PM.
BISERA - services interbank fund transfers in Bulgarian leva (BGN).
The cut-off time for acceptance of payments in Bulgarian leva via BISERA with same-day value date is 07.30 PM.
The cut-off time for acceptance of BGN fund transfer orders to the State Budget via BISERA with same-day value date is 03.00 PM.
SEPA in an international payment system for execution of interbank payments in the euro currency to countries from the European Economic Area (EEA).
TARGET in an international payment system for execution of express (fast) interbank payments in the euro currency to banks in Bulgaria and abroad, which are participants in this payment system.
SWIFT is an international payment system for effecting interbank payments in currencies, other than euro, to banks in this country and abroad, as well as fund transfers in the euro currency to banks outside the EEA.
The cut-off time for acceptance of SWIFT interbank fund transfer orders in foreign currency via the online and mobile banking functionalities is 03.30 PM.
Payments, ordered after the above stated hours will be executed on the next business day.
UBB Online provides you with an opportunity to create a list of trusted beneficiaries – this is a list with accounts of your counterparties, to whom you pay on a regular basis. For accounts, marked as such, the bank will require one-off payment confirmation with a code, generated by a mobile /hardware token or sent with an SMS, upon the initial payment. Upon each subsequent payment to that particular account you will not be required to confirm the transaction with an additional password.
List of the accounts, for which the online banking will not require payment confirmation with an additional password upon transaction initiation, is available in Payments Menu>> Templates and Trusted Beneficiaries.
For adding an account to the list you just need to make a payment to the respective counterparty and in the screen for payment confirmation with an additional password you should mark the Trusted Beneficiary option.
For removing an account from the list, you should start Payments menu, Templates and Trusted Beneficiaries function, select the Trusted Beneficiaries tab and remove the respective account with the Delete button.
In order to activate the software token, run the UBB Mobile application on your phone or tablet and press the U-token button at the bottom of the screen. Setting the hardware token in scanning mode can be done by pressing the red button in the middle of the device.
On the webpage of UBB’s online banking, https://ebb.ubb.bg/ , enter your user name and password. Press the Login button. On the new screen, scan the colour image (the so called QR code) by approaching your phone camera or the hardware token. After entering a PIN/Fingerprint, a code will be generated on the display. Enter it below the colour image and press the Confirm button.
On this page you can quickly and easily switch to confirmation mode with a push notification, which you will receive at UBB Mobile. You can open it after PIN or biometric identification and confirm login with a flick of your finger, without the need to scan a QR image and enter the generated code.
How is the token for signing used in UBB Online?
Fill in the respective payment document and press the Confirm button. On the new screen, scan the QR code by approaching your phone camera or the hardware token. Compare the data about the account and the amount on the screen of the device with that in the online banking. Enter the generated code in order to confirm the payment.
On this page you can quickly and easily switch to the mode of signing with a push notification, which you will receive at UBB Mobile. You can open it after PIN or biometric identification and after comparing the account details and the amount, confirm the payment with a swipe of your finger, without the need to scan a QR image and enter the generated code.
What should I do in case of entered wrong PIN code?
After entering five wrong PIN codes, the mobile banking application is being deactivated and you have to re-run the steps for its activation.
With the hardware token, after the 5th wrong PIN, the device is being locked. In order to continue working with it, you have to reach our Contact Center at 0700 117 17, *7171 (+3592 483 1717 for international calls) or to visit a branch of the Bank to unlock it and set a new PIN.
There is an option to export data to Excel or export data in ASCII and XML formats.
Information about the format of the files in ASCII and XML formats is available here.
In Account Movements menu there is a PDF Statement option, from where you can generate and print out an account statement for a given period.
PDF Statements via the electronic banking are being generated at frequency, requested by you upon account opening. The system allows for visualization of up to 60 account statements in a single screen . The statement generation frequency can be changed at your servicing branch.
What is statement format MT940?
MT 940 is a format developed by S.W.I.F.T. (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), which is used to send and receive daily bank account statements.
With the MT940, you can receive electronically all credit and debit transactions booked on your bank account/s, as well as the day's opening and closing balance. The statement is generated in a machine-readable format, enabling it to be imported into your ERP/accounting system.
How can you request a receipt of a statement in MT 940 format for a bank account?
UBB AD offers two channels for providing statements in this format to its customers.
Details of the service and the activation method can be found in the Accounts and Deposits | submenu Management of MT940, when logging into UBB online.
You can request the receipt of the MT940 statement to be done simultaneously through both channels - S.W.I.F.T and UBB Online
Advantages of statement in MT940 format
Problems, while using UBB Înline.
Tips how to clear your browser’s cache memory:
After you have successfully cleared the cache memory, restart your browser.